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Agrodust Potato Europe
Eijkelboom BV werkt al een tijdje met twee bedrijfsstofzuigers van Agrodust. Bij het curatief verwijderen ofwel het wegzuigen van de eikenprocessierups moet men goed letten op het filtersysteem. Dit is van cruciaal belang om te voorkomen dat de brandharen van de eikenprocessierups in de lucht terecht komen.
AGRODUST will be present at the Market of the Future in Emmeloord Friday, September 21.
Click here for more information
Meet Agrodust at the Potato Demo day in Westmaas, 22 August 2012
10.00 Opening
11.00 – 11.45 Sustainably towards top yields: the fertilisation issue
Mr. Ing. J.M. Aarnoudse, Van Iperen BV
13.00 – 13.45 Footprint of the Dutch potato: how much land, water, energy and chemistry needed per tonne,
now and in the future?
Mr. professor Dr. Ir. A. Haverkort, PPO/PRI
14.30 – 15.15 Sustainable farming – high on the agenda of Syngenta
Mr. Ir. J.J. Bouwman, Syngenta Crop Protection BV
16.00 – 16.45 Sustainability does not go together with piracy
Geert Staring, general manager of Breeders Trust
• Potato lifting demonstration, Innovator
• Grimme Plaza
• Potato sizing, washing and loading
• Mechanisation Park
• Safety aspects in transport demonstration
• Potato demonstration plots
• Business market
• Free tickets PotatoEurope at info desk
Free catalogue
Parking and admission are free
19.00 End of the Potato Demo Day
Thank you
for your participation in the
Agrodust potato clock contest at the Agritechnica 2011, Hannover. Mark Harting from Visbek (Germany), answered the question
“How long does the potato clock run on two Laura’s” with the right answer,
namely 97 days. He won two LED lights Agrodust. Representative
of Agrodust, Luk Vermeulen, presented the prize
to the lucky winner.
If you would like to know more about the Agrodust LED lights or our other
products, please visit or call our light expert, Gerard
Goedegebure. Telephone:
+ 31 (0) 6 51 11 49 68.
11-januari – 2012
Aardappelbeurs te Dronten
Agrodust in het tv-programma Vandaag de Dag